Business Phone Systems

WebRTC market will record near 3 billion dollars by 2020

Enreach 10/02/2016
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According to Technavio’s “Global Web-based Real-Time Communication market 2016-2020” report, it is expected that webRTC market increases at a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 36%. Technavio places America as the global webRTC market leader, which already had a market share of 47% in 2015. The key to this API widespread adoption in the country resides in the growing number of social network users and the need to communicate in real-time.

Moreover, within the American market, North America turns out to be a key player. The growing need for cost-effective and easy to use browser-based communications has fostered the introduction of vertical-specific solutions and services in this region. Amit Sharma, research analyst at Technavio, highlighted that “we expect companies to adopt web-based real time communications for contact centers and unified communications applications in the coming years.

“The high demand for videoconference solutions places EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) as the second largest webRTC market. In turn, the widespread cloud use in video calls positions the UK as the main country of the European market. As for Middle East and Asia, the growing demand for low-cost real-time communication solutions will drive market growth. Finally, Technavio emphasizes the growing popularity of webRTC mobile applications, due to its simple development.

masvoz solutions based on WebRTC 

masvoz exploits webRTC potential with Webphone terminal of Masvoz’s Cloud Contact Center solution, whereby agents have a phone system fully integrated into the browser, adding even more flexibility and usability to the platform.

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