Customer service

3 Steps To Implement Proactive Outreach In A Call Center

Product User 08/08/2023
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3 Steps To Implement Proactive Outreach In A Call Center

These days, acting on an interaction after it happens, or even in the moment, isn’t enough to truly stand out from a brand’s competition. Customers increasingly expect companies to know them well, anticipate their needs, and offer help before they realise they need it. This shift in customer expectations requires a transition from a reactive to a proactive customer experience (CX).

Proactive customer experiences require leaders to not just react to their feedback, but use data, analytics, and user insights to predict what they’ll need next. Better yet is when agents have the right information and the right tools to meet those needs upfront. Leaders can now guide their teams in leveraging these insights to create proactive strategies that improve customer engagement.

Proactive Disclosure: A Crucial Tool

Proactive outreach involves reaching customers before issues arise and guiding them through the customer journey when appropriate. The ultimate goal is to anticipate customer needs to improve overall CX.

This type of disclosure takes many forms, such as personalised messages about a new service that matches your preferences, a future update, or a simple registration to measure your level of satisfaction. The key is personalisation: the contact must be made in a way that feels unique and tailored to each client.

3 Steps To Implement Proactive Outreach In A Call Center

1) Customer knowledge

You need to use data and analytics to understand customer behaviour, preferences, and the journey. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help forecast future actions and needs.

Companies have a number of opportunities to collect customer information. Tools like predictive analytics can be trained to anticipate customer behaviour and preferences, revealing the likelihood of actions such as churn risk, purchase probability, or response to marketing campaigns.

The Enreach Omnichannel Contact Center has a Statistics Module that offers the following functionalities:

  • Visual graphs to analyse the service at a glance: Analyse the service you are offering and improve your results. Use the advanced filters to obtain only the information that adds value to your business. Review the KPIs, customer satisfaction, and average time of operations…
  • Detailed information: With our reports you will be able to know detailed information about queues, agents and conversations. Filter by key tags, calendar, schedule, listen to the recordings…
  • Nurture analysis by integrating our data with your systems: If you also have external systems to analyse large volumes of information, you can integrate our data and enrich your reports. Get all your reports through our API and include them in your BI tools, CRMs and ERPs.

2) Personalisation

Personalised journeys from initiating a web search to collecting customer feedback after an interaction create meaningful connections, which can lead to increased engagement and brand affinity.

How Can a Brand Create Personalised Experiences?

  • Collecting and analysing customer interaction data.
  • Collecting, and then acting on customer feedback.
  • Using tools and systems that can help generate optimised trips.
  • When brands implement personalisation tactics within their CX strategy, companies can offer recommendations and offers, optimise communication, and resolve issues in the most proactive way possible.

3) Omnichannel Approach

Customers have different preferred communication channels. One customer may prefer voice as their channel of choice, while another may reject the ability to speak to a live agent and prefer text messaging.

That’s why it’s important to use an omnichannel approach to your reach, making sure customers get your message on their preferred platform. The most effective way to do this is to provide omnichannel CX, which fosters an integrated experience across multiple channels and touch points. An omnichannel approach connects disparate channels and focuses on creating a unified and consistent journey for customers, regardless of the channels they choose to engage with a brand. They can effortlessly switch between channels while maintaining continuity and personalised engagement throughout their customer journey.

Build Customer Loyalty Through Proactive Outreach

By implementing proactive outreach, a company does more than meet customer expectations—it fosters a sense of trust and loyalty. By showing interest in their experience and taking steps to anticipate their needs, customers feel valued and appreciated. This, in turn, reinforces their brand loyalty.

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