Customer service

4 Ways That Customer Service Agents Can Be More Effective On Social Networks

Enreach 17/09/2019
Clock icon 3 min

Experts look for new ways to eliminate silos and find practical ways to combine marketing and customer service in social networks. These departments overlap, since there are cases of customer service that can become viral and make brands stand out for being reliable, responsive and fun to interact. In summary, one could say that customer service in social media is the new marketing.

But not all companies have a budget large enough to allow agents to remain online. For subject matter experts and organizations that need to closely monitor the final outcome, the challenge is to use customer service agents more effectively, to increase participation without adding more resources.

Customer service software in the social field offers agents the technology to work more efficiently, but some companies are still thinking about times gone by, when not only marketing and customer service were separate, but agents They were exclusively to answer the phones.

How To Harness The Full Potential Of Existing Customer Service Staff?

Next we will describe 4 ways in which customer service agents can be more effective in social networks:

1) Allow Agents To Work On All Channels

One of the biggest advantages of customer service software on social networks is that it offers agents a complete and real-time image of continuous user conversations through digital channels. The software finds and collects user queries and brand mentions, and presents them to agents in a comprehensive and organized manner. The proper use of customer service software in social media allows you to increase your commitment without increasing resources.

Therefore, customer service software on social networks allows agents to monitor and involve users on multiple channels at the same time.

2) Adjust KPIs To Emphasize Resolution

Many companies that have taken the step of integrating digital channels into customer service still emphasize the First Response Time as the main KPI. No user wants to wait long to get the answer from an agent. However, complying with this KPI may mean that agents respond promptly to users because they are being monitored for how quickly they respond to inquiries.

Customer service on social networks is about results. Users are impatient, but if the service is not based on results, it will not generate long-term loyalty. Knowing that the brand is listening is important for a positive user experience, but they also want to know that the brand can solve their problems quickly. Emphasizing resolution allows agents to deal with each user’s queries as they arise, while prioritizing queries that are especially urgent. This increases efficiency and increases user satisfaction.

In conclusion, the first response time is valuable if it is based on the results. Therefore it is important to focus on the resolution in the first contact to ensure that users only have to ask once.

3) Show Agents A More Complete Picture Of Users With CRM

Customer service on social networks not only allows agents to work faster and more efficiently, but also has the potential to tell them who the users are in more detail than the classic call center software.

Social networks are full of information, and appropriate customer service software combines that data with details about previous user queries with the brand. This offers agents a more complete picture of who each user is and how they can establish a better connection with them.

Offering agents more information about each user helps them connect in a real way while providing the solutions the user needs. When agents know more about users, they are more prepared to satisfy them. That, combined with a results-oriented service, inspires positive emotions and leads to brand loyalty.

That is, use a CRM to keep agents informed about users and help them establish human connections.

4) Direct Users Intelligently

Increased knowledge of users also ensures contact with the best agent for them. Smart omnichannel routing ensures that these ‘matches’ always happen.

When users are directed to the best agent they are more likely to be satisfied with the result of their customer service consultation, they will feel a real connection with the brand. That is the root of the positive user experience, which inspires confidence and is a competitive advantage for brands.

Therefore, it is key to use smart routing to build long-term relationships between agents (company) and users.

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