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6 Tips To Train Contact Center Agents Effectively

Product User 08/06/2023
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6 Tips To Train Contact Center Agents Effectively

Call center agents are at the core of every brand’s customer experience (CX). Given the important task of communicating with customers and finding solutions while using numerous technologies, it is essential that they receive the proper training to provide the best possible service.

6 Tips To Train Contact Center Agents Effectively

1) Use Customer Feedback As Training Material

Customer feedback helps a brand decide what improvements need to be made and how agents can be trained to handle certain situations. For example, if customers feel that their conversations with agents are taking too long or that they are being redirected too often, it may be necessary to explore issues such as average handle time and ensure agents engage with channels or departments. more appropriate.

2) Use Role-Plays And Real Life Examples

Role-playing is a great way to help agents practice their communication skills while learning to understand how customers are feeling. Supervisors need to use examples of actual customer service interactions in the call center to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of each touch point. Agents can take turns playing different roles so everyone can offer feedback on how improvements can be made.

3) Train Agents In The Use Of Contact Center Technologies

Agents must be highly trained in the use of call center technologies. For example, a CRM is an essential tool in a contact center, so agents must learn to perform functions such as accessing and updating customer data, managing inbound and outbound contacts, making prioritized call-backs, and contacting colleagues and supervisors as needed.

4) Put Agents In Roles That Match Their Skills

Agents may be trained to interact with customers on different channels, but it’s important to consider each individual’s strengths. For example, one agent might have a spontaneous personality that is essential for social media communications, while another might have strong interpersonal skills that would work well for the voice channel. Connecting agents with the most appropriate roles or channels ensures better customer service while allowing them to do their best in their roles.

5) Use Call Scripts To Teach Interpersonal Skills

It is important to establish rules about customer service language, such as words to avoid and expressions to use. Therefore, call scripts can be used to teach agents interpersonal skills and help them understand brand voice and image. During training sessions, agents should also be encouraged to provide feedback for revisions to improve customer service practices.

6) Give Agents Clear Goals

Lastly, agents cannot be expected to succeed without knowing the goals of the brand. In addition to helping them understand the history and values of the company, it is essential to define objectives. For example, if a metric like FCR (First Contact Resolution) is more important than ATH (Average Handle Time), this needs to be clearly stated.

Giving agents clearly defined goals through establishing the brand’s customer service culture helps them succeed and deliver experiences that align with brand goals. Call center agents are the human face, embodying the values as they work to deliver experiences that match their goals. With effective training, they can be true brand ambassadors providing quality experiences every time.

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