Business Phone Systems

7 Main Trends On Cloud Computing By 2020

Enreach 07/11/2019
Clock icon 4 min

Technology experts are fully aware of the benefits associated with Cloud Computing: cost savings, greater efficiency, agility, growth opportunities and innovation or scalability, among others.

When analyzing technological trends for the next decade, specifically related to Cloud Computing, companies need to adopt the cloud to scale and innovate at the pace of their competitors. Let’s see some figures:

  • 83% of business workloads will be in the cloud by 2020, and 41% of these will run on public cloud platforms.
  • Public cloud services are projected to grow 18% in 2019, totaling more than 215 billion dollars, compared to 180 billion in 2018.
  • Cloud adoption in the financial services sector has increased considerably compared to insurance and medical care.

As the end of 2019 approaches, organizations renew budgets and implement strategic plans for fiscal year 2020. In this regard, it is worth noting the 7 main trends in Cloud Computing and how companies can prepare and invest in Specific areas to maximize your ROI in the future:

1) Quantum Computing Boom

As technological progress increases, capacity and computing power will also have to grow to meet future demand. Quantum computing will allow computers and servers to process information at high speed compared to current standards. As the backbone of Cloud Computing is based on fast network systems, it will play a fundamental role in increasing computing power and computing efficiency.

The increase in computing capacity due to cloud agility is directly related to the adoption and increased use of blockchain transactions (a distributed and secure database, thanks to encryption, which can be applied to all types of exchanges, which do not necessarily have to be economic). The cloud is and will continue to be the gateway to innovation for organizations that wish to process large amounts of data in an economically viable, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner.

2) Blockchain Implementation

As Cloud Computing is decentralized and scalable by nature, blockchain technology is a natural option when it comes to cloud development. Many fintechs (startups that use financial technology as a means to reduce costs and simplify processes, resulting in an efficient Internet service for the user, while generating lower fees) are already harnessing the power of the blockchain, specifically when it comes of analysis and validation of cryptocurrencies.

The cloud will become the hosting solution for initial offers of currencies and other applications that use blockchain, specifically in the areas of cryptographic analysis and data security.

In addition, it is not only applicable to the financial sector. Companies will continue to use this technology to incorporate servers to the cloud, create custom applications, perform large-scale data analysis and produce tangible results based on results.

3) Increase Of Digital Natives

The workforce continues to evolve and so do the expectations of its workers. The incorporation of the so-called “digital natives” into the labor market will create two distinct groups within organizations: those who are accustomed to digital practices and those who are not.

Companies must adopt Cloud Computing and other technological advances to close this gap and integrate the two work groups into a unified workforce.

4) Greater Mobility As A Global Standard

In correlation with the increase in “digital natives,” mobility will become the number one requirement to attract the best talent and retain loyal employees. Workers who have become accustomed to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies will expect this to be the norm, in addition to the ability to work on the go from anywhere and at any time. The cloud is a facilitator to meet the global mobility expectations of employees and users.

5) Edge Computing

Edge Computing refers specifically to how computational processes are performed on “edge devices,” that is, IoT devices with analytical capabilities and processes such as network routers or gateways, for example.

The main advantage of Cloud Computing is its distributed infrastructure. Organizations that require instant access to data to offer good customer service will use “edge devices” to create a sustainable infrastructure that allows them to meet user expectations.

This technology will also make companies adopt technologies in the cloud, as it significantly reduces costs and allows data access quickly and quickly.

6) AI Consolidation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes from the strategic use of the key capabilities of machine learning, pattern recognition and intelligent robotics. Applied to large volumes of data, these competencies unlock new internal and external data values, both structured and unstructured.

As the adoption of AI increases, so will that of IoT, as well as other systems that access data in real time to provide predictive information about customers, users and industries.

7) Generation Of Data Center Ecosystems

The data centers in the cloud will improve their overall performance. Likewise, general systems will also manage software and hardware components from a single point, allowing task automation, self-correction and operations management. In this way, results based on specific functions and measured yields will be obtained, reducing inefficient processes.

In conclusion, the potential to innovate using technologies that work only as part of cloud adoption (blockchain, AI…), will increase in cloud use by companies. Ultimately, organizations will have to face a choice: adopt the cloud to meet user demands, or fall behind, as digitally native users will not accept less.

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