Business Phone Systems

89% of IT departments are adopting BYOD solutions

Enreach 29/11/2016
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The adoption of BYOD solutions is not limited to the American region or to large corporations. Far from what it may seem due to the greater presence of large US companies in the media, the trend towards a greater deployment of BYOD solutions steadily increases globally as well as in SMBs. This is the conclusion drawn from a recent study carried out by the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) under the title “BYOD and Virtualization.”

This study, based on interviews with IT managers of medium-sized companies (between 500 and 999 employees) and large corporations with more than 1,000 employees and presence in the Latin American, Asian and European regions, shows that the adoption of BYOD solutions grows in all regions, both in medium and large companies.

Why does BYOD intensify its global growth?

Employees from all over the world use their own devices in their jobs. In fact, 89% of IT departments are committed to BYOD solutions, revealing that it is a “global phenomenon.” But what is this growth due to?

The main benefits companies have come up with in order to adopt BYOD solutions are a notable increase in productivity, employee satisfaction and cost reduction. All this altogether explains that 69% of IT leaders express a positive attitude towards BYOD.

But employees also want these mobility solutions, as they allow them to freely choose the devices to work with, as well as they manage more effectively their work-life balance, because they can choose how, when and with what tools perform their tasks.

However, the adoption of BYOD also poses new challenges that companies need to deal with, especially regarding privacy and security issues, but also the need to respond proactively to BYOD through the adoption of better mobility policies and cost reduction strategies, being desktop virtualization one of the solutions that could help in this regard.

Some regional differences

At the regional level, the United States continues to be the world leader in implementing BYOD solutions. However, the regions of Asia and Latin America are experiencing faster growth, which will continue over the next few years. In addition, along with India, the United States is far ahead in desktop virtualization and although other regions are aware of its value, the implementation is still at a slow pace.

On the other hand, Latin American and Asian companies are betting on an extensive BYOD, whereas the European ones show a more conservative and restrictive attitude.

Finally, it is important to note that this Cisco report also reveals that the attitudes of both medium-sized and large corporations towards BYOD are similar.

Thus, the implementation of BYOD solutions is becoming a global trend that does not distinguish between regions or between companies.

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