
Alfred Nesweda, of Masvoz: “All companies, of any size and sector, can exploit the advantages of cloud telephony”

Enreach 03/06/2014
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The telecommunication engineers’ journal features an article on Masvoz, the telecommunications operator, to analyse why it backed cloud computing 3 years after the company’s foundation, in 2002.

Masvoz was created with the goal of integrating voice telephony services for companies using the tools of traditional operators and the manufacturers’ communications equipment. However, a change of direction was soon put forward. “The high cost of such equipment and the lack of flexibility, on behalf of operators, to the customers’ actual needs led us to develop our own services platform in cloud,” as Masvoz CEO, Alfred Nesweda, explains inside the journal.

Overcoming these obstacles has enabled the company “to continue expanding the catalogue of services with innovative solutions that respond to companies’ actual needs,” Nesweda highlights. Telephony in cloud is called smart telephony because “it enables the customer himself to manage his services, providing advanced voice functions such as call recording, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), the cloud contact centre, etc.” Nesweda adds that “it allows savings on costly investments and sophisticated telecommunications equipment, and its maintenance.”

Other advantages provided by Internet or cloud telephony, over traditional telephony, include the service’s immediacy, the flexibility (enabling capacities and users to be increased or reduced) and the comfort of being able to easily manage the service from any online device.  

From Masvoz’’s range of services, Telecos highlighted the BizPhone application as the “app that enables work and private lives on a single terminal without the two worlds interfering with each other.” As set forth in the publication, this app firstly means employees don’t have to carry two mobile phones around by allowing them to use their own phones as the company phone. Second, the company bears the cost of work calls and doesn’t have to cover the usual mobile phone contractual costs, in terms of money and length of permanence, associated with purchasing new devices. They also “benefit from much more competitive rates”, according to Nesweda.

This all means that using BizPhone results in companies making 80% savings. Before launch in April 2014, 400 downloads of the app by employees, and around fifty companies, had already been recorded.

Masvoz hopes to provide coverage to 500 companies, through 10,000 downloads of the app, which is free.

Investment in new product development is, according to Nesweda, one of the reasons behind the continued growth in client numbers and turnover enjoyed by Masvoz in recent years, without forgetting “the good work of the entire workforce”.

The platform currently provides a service to more than 1,200 companies, including a Catalan airline and the state administration, and handles over 500,000 calls daily.

Looking to the future, the Masvoz CEO ends the article by stating “I am absolutely certain that all companies, of any size and sector, will exploit the advantages of cloud telephony. This is why the company continues working on new functions and services such as the “Multi-device control panel”, a new app offering companies the option of managing their corporate communications from any device – smartphones, tablets, PCs or laptops.

The journal also reports on the latest edition of the Masvoz Awards, which the operator organises annually to acknowledge the best work of journalism in the Telecommunications sector, and in which Telecos took part as a panel member.

You can read both articles in full on pages 12, 32 and 33 of edition No 62 of the journal via this link.

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