Business Phone Systems

All you need to know before hiring a virtual PBX

Enreach 12/07/2016
Clock icon 2 min

The virtual PBX is an advanced communication uses IP technology facilitating a varied number of telephone stations can send and receive calls.  

A PBX is virtual when, instead of being a physical equipment to be purchased and installed in an office, this is a digital software that is located on servers in the cloud (in the ‘cloud’) and is managed web interfaces. This opens the door to virtualization contracting models pay per use, since the unit is no longer a team that is bought, but a service that is used.  

Advantages of Virtual PBX

Every day more companies of different size and volume of business change their old physical PBXs by virtual PBXs, as it provides many advantages:

  1. Quick installation and configuration, it does not require wiring, or hiring traditional telephone lines nor expensive equipment.
  2. Triple cost reduction: installation, so mentioned in the previous point, maintenance, because the proper functioning communications in the cloud supplier is responsible, and consumption, because the phone bill will be reduced by up to 80% and also internal calls are free, even if the headquarters are located in different geographical locations.
  3. Scalability and flexibility. With a virtual PBX, you can enlarge and reduce the number of extensions easily, thus adapting to the specific needs of each moment.
  4. Always updated: cloud systems are always updated to the latest version or incorporate new features developed by the supplier, without the need for service stoppages or need a specialist installer to upgrade the software.
Key features of a virtual PBX

The current market offers a wide variety of virtual PBXs so that the choice of one or the other must necessarily go through a comprehensive comparative process that have to consider the following elements:

  • Does it present an intuitive and easy to use interface that streamline processes and minimize errors?
  • Does it include advanced features such as intelligent routing and virtual receptionists?
  • Does it facilitate labor mobility through BYOD (“Bring Your Own Device”) solutions?
  • Does it integrate tools that provide a complete, fast and at any time of all activity analysis?
  • Does it integrate and “understands” perfectly with the rest of technological solutions already implemented in the company as CRMs, ERPs or Contact Centers?
  • Does calls encrypted to ensure privacy of communications?

  And when comparing different virtual PBXs similar in some all the above aspects, then the supplier guarantees will be decisive, and it should be checked two additional conditions:

  • Do you authorized as a telecommunications operator by the National Commission Markets and Competition (CNMC) or is merely a reseller’s phone provider?
  • Does an SLA contract – “Service Level Agreement” – not less than 99.9%?

In conclusion, the advantages offered by virtual PBX on resource optimization, cost reduction, increased productivity and increased quality in customer relations, among others, also requires a rigorous selection process to ensure the better choice, ie, that unit that best fits the needs of the company with maximum guarantees.

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