Business Phone Systems

Cloud telephony, far more than just saving

Enreach 26/08/2015
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During the last decade, cloud telephony has made a strong impact on business. This new corporate telephony management model as cloud-based services doesn’’t just represent important savings in costs, but it also offers great flexibility.

From conventional telephony to cloud telephony

Traditionally, companies installed a telephone switchboard inside their organization –PBX-  which was connected to a telephone exchange to manage incoming and outgoing calls, as well as internal ones. All this infrastructure, specialized and exclusively dedicated to telephony, is associated to an initial investment to buy the switchboard, as well as to fixed maintenance costs. Furthermore, if the company needed to boost its service capacity, it was necessary to adquire a series of additional units, and if it wanted to get more features, it had to invest in the purchase of hardware.

The arrival of the internet, IP telephony and cloud computing opened the door to a new model for telephony and communications based on software as a service (SaaS), as pay-per-use. It is no longer necessary to buy and install expensive hardware equipments and software licences to benefit from the newest telephony systems technology, as any company can use a complete virtual PBX software and other cloud-based communication services at one click, setting up several parameters and innovative features at real time, paying just for what’s used at every moment.

These advantages in gaining added value, saving time and costs, and improving flexibility have convinced thousands of companies of all sizes to move to this new way of contracting, using and managing their corporate communications services, thanks to the arrival of cloud communications specialized services providers having a high value.

Cloud telephony services for SMEs

Among the most popular and consolidated services, one can find virtual telephone numbering and its advanced features, virtual switchboards, multiconference services, virtual faxes or professional customer service platforms.

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