
Government aid for technology companies

Enreach 03/06/2014
Clock icon 2 min

Juan Bermúdez Claveria, AOB Auditores partner

There are currently numerous sources of financial aid for technology companies that are extremely helpful. The body channelling this aid most efficiently and with the greatest speed in Spain is the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).

By means of example, we can look at the latest project we have audited: a project about search engines in social networks to be developed in three years. It had a budget of €450,000, with 80% funding and a repayable grant of €45,000. The project also included aid from FEDER (a European Body) to the tune of €7,000.  

Our experience as research and development project auditors has been positive so far, and several companies in this country look to the state to request aid, which is channelled through low-interest loans, the absence of paying back the loans or a certain concession as a non-repayable grant. All these variables depend on the project and programme the business, or the technology project the business is developing, falls under. Almost all the charges applicable to the project are eligible costs and, consequently, can be the subject of granting aid. We set forth a breakdown of the company costs that are eligible for funding below:  

  • Personnel costs (researchers, technicians and other auxiliary staff, where these are exclusively working on the research project).
  • Instruments and material costs, as long as they are used during the research project period, including amortisations if applicable.
  • Costs for contractual research, technical knowledge and patents acquired or obtained by licence from external sources at market price, and the consultancy and similar services costs used exclusively for research activity.
  • General additional expenditure directly arising from the research project. 
  • Other operational costs, including costs for material, suppliers and similar products arising directly from the research activity.

The regulation governing aid of this kind falls under Community law, specifically Community Regulation 800/2008 of the European Commission.

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