Customer service

How to avoid the 7 deadly sins in customer service

Enreach 10/05/2017
Clock icon 4 min

More and more companies around the world, regardless of size or the economic sector they are in, understand that the way in which they offer a product or service to their customers is as important as the product or service itself. Thus, continuous efforts to improve the customer experience can bring enormous added value. But it is also true that in this eagerness for improvement, any strategy for change can wipe out good intentions if you fall into one of the seven most common mistakes in customer service.

The seven most common customer service failures, and how to resist them

For companies that try to transform customer care into a strategic priority, the process of mental, behavioral, organizational, functional, etc. adaptation to a culture focused on the needs and desires of the client can be a real struggle against numerous temptations which, if not avoided, prevents the fulfillment of expectations.

McKinsey has studied the differences between successful and failed client-oriented transformations in organizations of all kinds and has identified the “seven deadly sins” that any similar strategy should avoid.

  1. Digital Evasion

The digital transformation places the companies that adopt it in a situation of advantage over their competitors, providing a whole series of benefits in terms of benefits, efficiency, productivity, profitability, and so on. Fleeing from such a digital transformation means giving up these and other benefits such as a 33% increase in customer retention, a 40% increase in customer satisfaction, or a 37% increase in revenue from new business.

  1. Corporate Inaction

It is the executives themselves who must take the initiative in adopting the digital transformation strategies necessary to improve users’ experience and satisfaction, including the implementation of mobile solutions, greater security measures, an integrated multichannel experience and even changes of professional type. For example, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) will have to evolve to drive growth while driving digital transformation and designing a personalized and valuable user experience.

  1. Business Blur

And to improve the customer experience, it is essential to know and understand it, in order to be able to respond to your needs in a more efficient way. This requires a business approach in which rapid and efficient analysis of data plays a leading role. To do this, it is imperative to pay close attention to five key aspects:

  • Integrate analysis of recorded conversations into real-time analysis.
  • Optimize and integrate automatic response systems into an omnichannel strategy.
  • Implement real-time data analysis in all channels used by customers.
  • Improved predictive analytics for contact centers to offer a more personalized and proactive service.
  • Comprehensive performance analysis to identify trends to improve customer service.
  1. Lack of strategy

Successful digital transformation must be the result of a comprehensive and integrated strategy focused on achieving a better customer experience. This is only possible through knowledge, and for this it is necessary to implement technologies that facilitate better customer information:

  • The registration of telephone calls in the cloud, along with feedback from agents and customers, comments on the web and social networks, and so on. All this in order to listen to know and improve.
  • The virtual operators or IVR services to know the opinion of the client regarding the service provided through brief subsequent telephone surveys.
  1. Poor implementation

Not only is it about implementing a digital transformation strategy focused on improving customer service, it is also necessary to do it at the right time and in the most appropriate way. In this sense, Microsoft points to three conclusions that mark the way that customer services should follow:

  • The goal should be effective resolution at first contact.
  • Communication channels must be adapted to the age of the customers.
  • Increasing service quality is key to increasing customer loyalty.
  1. Internal division

Another of the major mistakes that can be made when implementing a strategy focused on improving customer service is the internal division. Against this, the companies that opt for an Omni Business model are those at the forefront of digital transformation. This new model is characterized by the creation of complete ecosystems in which the integration of digital goes well beyond the sales and marketing channels, all in order to provide the client with a proactive and omnipresent, complete and perfect experience.

  1. Lack of empathy

But on this path of digital transformation towards improving customer service, it is also possible to “sin” from lack of empathy, that is, from an implementation of the digital in excess that minimizes the human factor. Clients are human beings and as such, they also prefer dealing with a human. A study by Accenture Strategy leaves no doubt, 86% of Spanish consumers prefer to be advised by people, while 42% would pay more if they guarantee better customer service. Against this, as we descend into age groups, the digital options gain preference. Therefore, finding the right balance between the human factor and the use of digital channels is key in improving customer service.

In conclusion, while companies can benefit from the benefits of digital transformation, especially in terms of improving customer service, it is also true that everything is not valid and that it is possible to fall into some “capital errors” As the revised ones that will prevent to fulfill the expectations rose.

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