Customer service

The Spanish contact center market grows 4%

Enreach 19/07/2014
Clock icon 1 min

The contact centre sector produced a turnover of €1.468 billion in 2013, an increase of 4% on 2012, according to the report titled ‘”The Contact Centre sector in 2013’” undertaken by the Spanish Contact Centre Association (ACE), which analyses the progress of this market in our country and Latin America.

This sector employs around 67,000 people in Spain, up by 5% on 2012. The average profile of professionals employed in Contact Centres in our country is a woman between 26 and 35 years old with secondary education. 35% of employees have university studies.

According to ACE, the sector also represents a job opportunity for some of the least-favoured social groups: women (74%), the young (53%) and the disabled (2.37%).

The report also states that Madrid, Andalusia and Catalonia are, in this order, the autonomous communities recording the largest number of employees, with over half the professionals. Castile and León is one of the communities showing the largest growth. Abroad, Colombia and Peru continue to lead the way, followed by Chile.

By activity sector, the areas that most use customer service centres are telecommunications (44%), Public Administration (13%) and banking and financial services (9%). The main activity focuses on customer service work (57%), followed by sales (20%), technical support (6%) and back office (6%).

At global level (Spain and Latin America), revenue has risen to €1.71205 billion, meaning the Spanish market accounts for 86% of turnover. Around 91,000 people are employed, a drop of 6.3%, resulting from a 28% drop in job positions outside Spain.

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