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Business Phone Systems

Cloud Computing in Spain today

Enreach 03/03/2016
Clock icon 3 min

“Penteo report 2015: Highway to cloud” confirms the upward trend: companies are adopting cloud-based solutions. In fact, 97% of the companies surveyed have already deployed cloud-based technology. However, the degree of implementation differs significantly between companies:

  • 28.9% of the companies analyzed has less than 5% of its technology in the cloud. They are called “Explorers Cloud”
  • Opposite, 10.5% have more than 80% of its technology in the cloud
  • Cloud adoption fluctuates between 5% and 19% in 39% of companies
  • 5.3% of companies have already moved between 20-39% of their technology to the cloud
  • 13.2% of companies have between 40 and 59% of its technology is cloud-based
  • Only 2.6% have between 60 and 79% of its cloud technology
  • 19% of total companies claim to have a clear strategy on Cloud Computing implementation

The immediate future of cloud

Comparing the results from the two surveys conducted from 2013 to 2015, the trend is clear: The number of companies choosing cloud solutions is increasing. In fact, according to the report “CloudView 2016” carried on by the consulting firm IDC, around 44% of companies surveyed expect to increase their spending on cloud solutions during the next biennium. “When we focus on the change of IT spending over the next 24 months, considering both the customer and the supplier situation, we notice a strong desire to move applications and workloads off-site and manage them through a cloud provider”, said Robert Mahowald, vice president of Applications and Business Models Cloud IDC. In the long term (the next twelve months and beyond), “Penteo report 2015: Highway to cloud” estimates that cloud infrastructure will rise from current 35% to 50%, which represents an increase slightly above 14%.

What is expected of cloud solutions in the company?

One of the main motivations which lead companies to adopt cloud solutions is getting rid of concerns about infrastructure. Thus, according to Penteo, the five benefits most expected and achieved by firms that are launched toward their technologies integration in the cloud are:

  • Not being forced to acquire infrastructure
  • Infrastructure scalability
  • Greater cost flexibility
  • Time-to-market reduction
  • More and better adaptation and response to the customer’s needs

Private and public cloud mix: the hybrid model

Regarding the most widely spread cloud within the Spanish business sector, private cloud is the preferred option in 41.9% of the cases compared to 22% of firms choosing public cloud instead. Among both extremes, 35.5% have opted for hybrid solutions, which combine private and public cloud, and this is the future strategy which 70% of active cloud users are planning to implement. Its satisfaction degree of existing customers, flexibility and ease of use, visibility and robustness of services, technical expertise, industry knowledge or process safety are the main factors each company considers when choosing a cloud service company.

However, nowadays, Spanish companies must still overcome hurdles to move their technologies to the cloud. For instance, amortizing company’s infrastructure, concerning about data security, coordinating them with the existing systems in the company, etcetera. Anyway, the trend is a fact: the implementation of enterprise cloud solutions like the ones offered by Masvoz in Spain is already an unstoppable process with considerable benefits in terms of costs and productivity.

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