Business Phone Systems

Cloud solutions, major IT investment in the next two years

Enreach 01/12/2016
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Over the next few years, cloud solutions will represent the top IT investment driven by a growing interest in concepts such as public, open source, workload or outsourcing, among others. According to a report prepared by International Data Corporation (IDC), the adoption of hybrid cloud solutions by companies or IT departments will continue to show a remarkable growth following the trend of previous years.

These are the highlights to the immediate future of cloud solutions for the period 2017-2018:

  • Over the next year, more than 80% of IT organizations will commit to hybrid cloud architectures, driving the pace of change in the rest of the companies.
  • IT experts join their efforts to tear down traditional entry barriers to cloud solutions. As a consequence, by 2018, cloud will be viewed as the top market entry strategy for both technology providers and industrial companies.
  • Thus, investment in cloud-based technologies will continue to grow over the next few years. By 2018, at least half of IT spending will be cloud-based, while it will have reached 60% of the entire IT infrastructure, and between 60% and 70% of all software, services and technology investment by 2020.
  • In this growth, the workload management will have a fundamental weight. IDC predicts that by 2017 more than 60% of IT organizations building their hybrid cloud will acquire new or updated workload cloud-based management solutions.
  • The consumption of public information will grow around 150% so that by 2018 the cloud will have become the preferred delivery mechanism for public data, information and analytics.
  • Information technologies of companies are diversified. By 2018, 65% of companies’ IT assets will be in hosting, and cloud datacenters while 1/3 of IT staff are employees of third-party service providers.
  • Open will become a fundamental criterion in cloud integration corporate strategies; IDC estimates that by 2017 over 60% of companies will embrace open source and open APIs for open sources and open APIs.
  • The adoption of new delivery solutions and cloud-based architectures, which in 2018 will exceed 60%, will enable faster innovation and business agility.
  • By 2017, around 9% of companies’ IT budgets will move from traditional in-house IT delivery to third party service providers in order to fill cloud-related skills gaps.
  • By 2018, a quarter of cloud ecosystems in global enterprises will come from cloud service providers located in the Asia-Pacific region.
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