Business Phone Systems

Enterprise mobility will reach 4.500 million dollars by 2020

Enreach 24/01/2017
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Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), understood as the set of solutions that enable enterprises to secure and manage mobile devices that are used by their employees, will continue to grow significantly over the next three years.

The Radicati Group, located in Palo Alto, California, has produced a comprehensive report in which it outlines the forecasts and growth lines of enterprise mobility management until 2020 based on the information obtained and analyzed from its own database, through continuous interviews in different sectors, and “market share, revenue, sales and supplier information”.

The keys to the present and future growth of business mobility over the next few years are:

  • EMM or Enterprise Mobility Management solutions, which may be available as local software, such as cloud-based services or as hybrid solutions, target mobile devices (smartphones and tablets primarily) and must be compatible with different mobile operating systems.
  • The growing trend Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been a major driver behind the adoption of EMM.
  • The main components of EMM are the Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile security and mobile content management.
  • Many suppliers are specializing in offering only one of the EMM components.
  • MDM’s core functions, such as device erasure, application and password reset and more have become a commodity, while vendors that primarily offer the mobile device management are no different from the rest in a set of features, but in prices, customer support and some other areas.
  • Mobile Application Management (MAM) will continue to be a key area of differentiation for providers, who will pay particular attention to the security and integrity of the data.
  • Global revenues for the EMM market could reach 4.500 million dollars by the end of 2020, representing an average annual growth rate of around 27%.
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