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How To Maintain The Commitment Of Employees Working Remotely?

Enreach 19/05/2020
Clock icon 3 min

There is no doubt that coronavirus (COVID-19) has dramatically changed the business landscape. For many companies, this has meant that they have had to adapt to remote work, swinging their operations online and quickly learning new ways for employees to connect with each other.

Technology has made teleworking easier than ever, and companies increasingly rely on teams of remote employees. However, these remote workers can present unique challenges for the managers who supervise them. Without the office environment, coffee breaks, and face-to-face communication, business leaders must find new ways to train employees and stay connected.

The remote workforce can be successful, but working from home can mean more distractions, fewer ways to naturally interact with colleagues, and more social isolation, factors that can lead to lower productivity.

So How Do You Maintain Employee Engagement While Working Remotely?
1) Virtual Team Meetings

Videoconferencing technology, such as Enreach Meetings by masvoz, has become a necessity during the period of confinement. It makes it easier for companies to have regular virtual meetings with teams and maintain that key internal communication while working from home.

A key thing to keep in mind is making sure to allocate time for formal status updates for each team member. Organizations don’t just have to focus on work-related issues; but also ask about the mental health and mood of the employees. This is a particularly sensitive time for everyone, and encouraging the opening of companies can help ease any feelings of isolation and anxiety.

2) Establish Daily Records

Creating a daily registration routine is an important way to prioritize and promote connections. Regular phone calls or video calls allow for up-to-date tasks and projects and productivity, and provide a forum for employees to consult supervisors and know that their concerns and questions will be heard.

3) Promote Training And Development Opportunities

There has never been a better opportunity for employees to adopt a continuous learning mindset; to learn new skills and reinforce emotional intelligence. Companies must offer opportunities to improve and facilitate employee development through online training and education programs, which is an excellent way to keep workers engaged.

4) Help Employees Maintain A Balance Between Personal And Work Life

If staff are dealing with young families and older family members or even home schooling, it is important to offer as much flexibility as possible as to how and when they work. If company operations allow, it is desirable for staff to adjust their core work hours so that they can organize home and work commitments effectively.

5) Maintain The Culture Of The Company

Now more than ever, the team needs to feel part of a unified corporate culture, and there is no reason to neglect corporate values and culture just because staff don’t come to the office every day.

For example, why not schedule a virtual happy hour on Friday afternoons through a group videoconference, so that the team has a chance to relax with their favorite drink and turn it into a social event? Employees need to be offered the opportunity to share knowledge about something they are passionate about, and even encouraged to share any creative talent with the team.

Maintaining commitment to staff is vital during this challenging time, but thanks to technology, there are many options to connect in a different way and certainly reap the benefits when the company returns to its day-to-day business.

6) Keep Listening Active And Proactive

In the situation we are experiencing, it is important to act to support teammates and build a stronger commitment in the future. Listening, showing empathy, and acknowledging individual concerns are essential. This is what will make employee trust in the organization long-term.

The coming weeks and months will remain uncertain, with countless challenges for everyone. However, this crisis has meant learning and growth for companies, which will be more agile and will be able to adapt to the situation as it develops. You will learn even more about what is important to employees and how to support them as they grow with the business for years to come.

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