Customer service

How Will The Future Workspaces Of The Contact Centers Be?

Enreach 13/12/2018
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The workspace is one of the points to take into account to motivate the performance of agents in contact centers. According to the report “The Future of Contact Center Workspaces,” elaborated by CCW Digital, organizations must convert their workspace in a source of value for the agent that favors the centricity in the client.

6 Steps To Create A Contact Center Environment More Focused On Agents And Customers:
1) Define And Optimize The Workspace

A prerequisite for improving the workspace is to define it with precision. Organizations are abandoning the conventional notion of “contact center” which means that the scope of the workspace now extends beyond a single site. It may include other floors and facilities may include home offices and external locations from which agents work remotely.

Once an organization accurately determines the scope of its customer contact workspace, it can make informed and actionable decisions about how to improve the environment.

2) Consider The Agents And The Corporate Culture

Aware that their clients have unique preferences and expectations, leading organizations build an experience that uniquely aligns with the needs and desires of customers.

The objective is to create a workspace that responds with precision to the expectations of the agents, the needs of the clients and the general vision of the function of contact with the customer.

While the workspaces share some central elements (modern tools, mobility support, space for collaboration), they also include components that align with the specific demands of the agents and / or reflect the unique culture of the organization.

3) Evaluate The Capabilities

The quality of the workspace plays a vital role in the agent’s experience, which in turn significantly impacts the client’s experience. Therefore, providing a modern, attractive and enabling work environment is essential.

After determining what the ideal workspace entails, it is necessary for organizations to assess their capacity to create that environment. If an organization cannot quickly update its facilities, offer mobility or buy new tools for the call center, it must consider external options to elevate its operation of contact with the client.

4) Modernize Call Center Workstations

The motivation to invest in modern technology is about providing the experience that today’s agents demand. They want to be able to switch between desktops and devices without problems or delays. They do not want to deal with the burden of complicated desktops. Certainly, they do not want to spend all day in uncomfortable seats, squinting to read unclear screens and control the pain of uncomfortable headphones.

5) Consider The Call Center Workflow

The design of the work area consists of creating the best possible environment for the agents. But what is the point of creating workspaces that adapt to flexibility, collaboration and well-being if the organization requires that agents spend their entire shifts completing repetitive and high-stress work in isolation?

With this problem in mind, smart organizations build workflows that allow agents to take advantage of their workspace. Encourage the creation of networks within the office and collaborative learning.

6) Evaluate The Return In The Workspace

It is important to consider the quantifiable value associated with the key elements of the workspace. The objective of improving the workspace is to attract, involve and train agents better. Investments in the workplace that lead to a combination of talent recruitment, higher agent satisfaction scores, lower agent attrition, better call quality and greater customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, by redefining the workspace to reflect the new vision of the contact center, modernizing the office environment to meet the new demands of the agents and updating the tools and technologies to create more efficient and effective conversations, it will favor an advance towards the creation of the culture of empowerment.

For many organizations, future workspaces will mark one, if not all, of those boxes. For many organizations, the design of the workspace represents an urgent priority. More importantly, it represents a remarkable opportunity.

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