Business Phone Systems

Spanish Companies Prefer Telephone Virtual PBXs In The Cloud

Enreach 05/06/2018
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According to the second edition of the report “Current Situation of the PBXs’ Software in Spain”, prepared by the SoftDoit software comparator, most of the Virtual PBXs’ users prefer a virtual solution to a physical one. The companies that provide these solutions have participated in the study, among them, masvoz.

Among the main conclusions of this report is that 100% of users of this solution prefer to implement a virtual PBX to a physical one. It is likely that one of the reasons for this result is the savings involved in migrating to IP telephony from a traditional operator. In fact, 47.8% of suppliers say that the monthly savings for a company exceeds 50%. On the other hand, 13% places this savings between 20% and 30%, and 8.7% places it between 30% and 40%.

Virtual and pay-per-use PBXs

Asked about the hosting modalities of the PBXs’ software offered by the providers to their customers, almost 48% allows hosting only in the cloud, while 52.2% offers both options: hosting in the cloud and in the servers of the company. At the level of payment, 56.5% of organizations opt for the option of payment for use, while 43.5% make available to their customers the two forms of payment: payment for use and single payment.

According to the SofDoit study, In what refers to the time it takes a customer of switchboard software to change the solution, suppliers claim that about 35% take to do it from 5 to 8 years, 30.4% from 2 to 5 years and 26.1% every 8 years or more.

Regarding the average of extensions requested by clients in an implantation, the data are very similar to those obtained in the previous edition of the study. Suppliers say that 43.5% of Spanish companies request between 5 and 9 extensions for their virtual PBX, 34.8% need 10 to 29, and 8.7%, from 30 to 49 extensions.

Terminals for the virtual PBX

This year, SoftDoit has consulted with suppliers if they have an App for mobile devices. 78.3% said that they do have a mobile application to facilitate mobility and teleworking among their employees, compared to 13% who say they do not have one. Another interesting fact of the study is that 56.5% of suppliers say that they are not mobile operators, while 43.5% say they are.

SoftDoit has also asked in its study, which are the functionalities that most customers value in PBX software. The majority, 78.3% of the companies opt for the interactive voice response (IVR). Call queues, numbering management and time deviation share the same percentage, 60.9%. 56.5% value mobility above all and 52.2% opted for Click to Call recordings, the same percentage that values the integration with their corporate systems such as CRM, ERP or Salesforce.

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