
We won two awards at the Platinum Customer Experience Awards

Enreach 17/06/2024
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Alfred Nesweda, CEO de Enreach, Carlos Jimenez, CCO de Enreach, recogiendo el premio a mejor proyecto IT de robotización y automatización en los Platinum CX Awards

Last week, we participated in the 15th edition of the Platinum Customer Experience Awards, an event organised by Peldaño and Contact Center Hub that rewards quality customer experience and technological innovation.

After evaluating all the available entries, we decided to submit our applications for “Best Automation and Robotisation Project” with EVA and “Best Cloud Computing Project”, showcasing our Omnichannel Contact Centre.

The good news filled us with joy! So we travelled to Madrid, our second home, to enjoy an evening surrounded by colleagues, friends and outstanding professionals in the industry.

After the presentation by Lourdes Álvarez, CEO of Peldaño, Alfred Nesweda, our CEO, and Carlos Jiménez, our CCO, took to the stage to receive the two awards, which undoubtedly recognise our hard work and dedication to the customer experience.

We recently launched a portfolio that covers all the solutions businesses need to communicate internally and externally. These awards confirm our leading position as a provider of all-in-one solutions that combine contact centre software, collaboration platform, fixed and mobile telephony, business numbering and artificial intelligence.


Our artificial intelligence speaks all languages and handles calls, chats, WhatsApps, SMS, emails and social media.

It excels at increasing service levels, reducing waiting times, improving the customer and agent experience, better allocating resources and increasing efficiency.

To date, EVA has successfully resolved more than 50% of requests for one of Europe’s leading airlines, or 150,000 requests out of a total of 300,000, without human intervention.

In addition to doubling agent productivity, the company has reduced costs by 50% and increased customer satisfaction by 60%.

And this is just one of many examples. Explore other automations designed for all customer service teams.


Our advanced customer service software allows agents to manage all communication channels from a single platform: calls, chat, WhatsApp, email, Click&Talk and SMS.

Supervisors, meanwhile, have full control over lines, queues and agents, and can monitor service levels from a wallboard and real-time statistics panel.

Its intuitive interface, integration with CRMs, ERPs and ticketing systems, automated call distribution and artificial intelligence capabilities take customer service to new heights.

In addition, the use of agile methodology allows us to deliver bi-monthly updates based on customer feedback, with our innovation and development team customising the tool to meet customer requirements.


First and foremost, we would like to congratulate our team of 1,000 people who work tirelessly and passionately, and thank our customers and partners for the trust they have placed in us, some for over twenty-five years.

We would also like to thank the members of the Platinum Customer Experience Awards Jury and the entire Peldaño team, especially María Muñoz, Contact Centre Hub Director, and Mario Martelo, Communications Consultant 💜.


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