Customer service

Who Is Who? Omnichannel vs. Omniexperience vs. Multiexperience

Enreach 04/06/2020
Clock icon 4 min

Like many marketing buzzwords, the term “omnichannel” has become the latest iteration of an ever-evolving industry, successful in automation and CRM. But few brands in today’s competitive marketplace have a true understanding of what that really means, let alone offer truly omnichannel service to their customers.

The cost of investing in technology, the disconnect between IT and marketing departments, and a company’s rigid operating structure can all impact a brand’s ability to successfully deliver omnichannel, but do brands really need to offer it? And if they do, is that an achievable goal for today’s retailers? In customer service, it’s the experience, not the channel that counts.

In its simplest form, omnichannel marketing is the ability to create a continuous customer journey through all of the brand’s touch points by offering more than one route to buy at any time. The concept seems simple, but very few retailers are offering this seamless experience.

What Is Omniexperience?

In short, it puts the company at the service of its clients. Bring the value of the organization (often expressed as a process) to the customer’s point of commitment, by clicking on their website or calling on the phone.

While omnichannel unifies the process experience for customers to target the business, omniexperience fragments the process (its value) so that it can be delivered to the user at the time they have a specific need in a specific context.

Multiexperience vs. omniexperience

Some use the word “multiexperience” instead of omniexperience, but they are not the same. Multiexperience is based on the idea that customers choose the device and the interaction model they want. Instead, omniexperience is the strategy that companies must follow to put their offers where their customers are, so that they are aligned with the experience of their users.

That is where the concept of “empathy” comes in. It is not just about the device or model of interaction, it is about the human being and his behavior. These people could, of course, be customers. Although they can also be employees or partners. For experience generation, there are three critical considerations for delivering successful experiences:

  • The human being.
  • The moment.
  • The job.
Does The Customer Want To Buy Something Or Want To Receive It?

Every time we think of a human being, a moment, and a job, we have a new set of experiences that can be created to meet a need.

With omniexperience, companies create core value and then find ways to deliver the experience to different people, at different times, for different jobs.

The Importance Of Omniexperience In The Digitization Of Organizations

Digitization or digital transformation within any organization refers to the continuous process by which companies or public administrations implement disruptive changes in their organization to naturally unify the digital and physical components. In this way, the customer experience, operating results and efficiency of all the departments of the organization are improved. This transformation focuses on various changes on which actions need to be taken.

According to IDC data, more than 80% of company CEOs include digital transformation at the center of their corporate agenda, and more than half of large European organizations spend more than 10 million dollars a year on digital transformation.

Digital transformation encompasses all aspects within an organization and, among them; one of the most important is omniexperience. The digitization of the operating model makes business operations more effective and with less response time, so that assets, products and services, people and partners are digitally connected.

Likewise, it is necessary to carry out a transformation in the way of working of the people who make up that organization. This means evolving management towards integrating internal and external human resources so that they drive digital interactions through collaboration, connection and the relationship between people.

To evolve the way of working of the teams and the culture of an organization it is essential to evolve the type of leadership. Organizations’ management is required to engage employees, customers, suppliers and partners in the same unified vision of digital transformation. Leading not only within the organization, but also in the ecosystem, creating new digital business models.

Another relevant area would be information management. Identify the actions required for information to be an enabler in digital transformation, with the aim of improving decision-making and optimizing operations, monetizing them in the form of products and services.

In conclusion, as organizations seek to differentiate themselves from the multitude of competitors, one of the areas they focus on is customer experience. But offering an excellent customer experience is not an easy task, the associated technologies continue to evolve, and they are increasingly important. For example, experiences in mobility through applications, the importance that virtual reality and augmented reality are taking to enrich the customer experience, or the use of cognitive systems to personalize them.

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