Customer service

Why Is Automation So Valuable To The User Experience?

Enreach 26/02/2019
Clock icon 3 min

Automation helps increase agents’ productivity and efficiency, not replace them. Artificial Intelligence (AI) handles simple tasks, allowing agents to focus on more complex jobs. Therefore, AI helps create a smarter workforce and automation solutions strengthen the commitment among “human” agents.

Analysts, opinion leaders and technology experts debate on the value of automation to enhance the human connection, as well as to improve the functioning and resolution of call centers. According to a study by CCW Digital, 88% of contact center leaders believe that the greatest impact of automation will be to improve the agent’s workflow or increase its performance. Only 2% believe that automation solutions will replace human work, while the other 8% are still unsure of its impact.

This study explores significant and high impact opportunities to use automation in order to increase the performance of call centers. It is a statement of what the user-centric organizations, focused on the agent and the results will do with the current automation solutions.

The call center automation solutions will create performance improvements for agents that will directly impact the user experience, since they allow agents to help users more successfully.

Therefore, to determine the most significant use of automation, it is important to understand what users demand, why agents cannot meet those demands, and how automation technology can close those gaps.

Users simply want organizations to solve their problems quickly, easily and accurately. In addition, quick, simple, precise and resolved experiences are also efficient. Consequently, organizations that meet the needs of users will maximize profits.

Why Is Automation So Valuable To The User Experience?
  • Only 18% of users are very happy with the experience they usually receive.
  • More than 71% of users prefer to receive telephone / voice attention. This preference covers all demographic age groups.
  • However, the preference for telephony is not a sign that all users want to engage in prolonged telephone conversations. It is a sign that organizations are not offering acceptable experiences in alternative channels.
  • 85% of users call voice agents not for a different kind of experience, but because they believe it is their best opportunity in a quick, simple and resolute conversation.
  • Users looking for a more meaningful conversation rarely get what they want. Only 20% of users believe that agents know about them.
  • Almost 55% of users say they are comfortable receiving bot support.
  • 36% of users who prefer live agents still seek quick conversations, but accurate and with great knowledge. Automation facilitates such interactions.
What Are The Opportunities That Artificial Intelligence Brings?

Complaints about unsatisfied users or unproductive agents are nothing new to the customer service community. Organizations that acquire, implement, use and optimize automation solutions correctly will cultivate more productive agents that can offer more satisfying experiences for users.

  • Automation technology can enhance better digital experiences. Self-service tools driven by AI are able to provide a more natural and relevant support for users.
  • They also acquire valuable information that can be used to refine self-service and train agents better in the future.
  • Not only is it relevant to bots, automation can also provide (and recommend) appropriate responses for agents to use during live interactions.
  • AI tools can also provide predictive guidance on “best future actions” or conversion opportunities as agents interact with users.
  • Automation solutions can more easily provide agents with relevant knowledge of the user or product, minimizing the time spent in CRM systems and knowledge bases.
  • Process automation technologies can efficiently handle the most routine tasks and allow agents to devote more time and energy to “connect” with users.
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