Business Phone Systems

A virtual PBX or a physical one? 4 questions to ask yourself before you make your decision

Enreach 30/11/2015
Clock icon 2 min

To install a virtual PBX is an option that enables companies to reduce costs and increase flexibility thanks to the benefits of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Now, does it really fit our needs? What do we need to consider before choosing this option?

Will I need flexibility to increase and decrease capacities?

If your business is alive and your competitiveness is based on the speed of adaptation to market swings, undoubtedly the best choice for your company is a virtual PBX. Unlike a physical unit, a cloud telephony system fits your company and not the other way around. You can increase and decrease capacity, change system settings and manage functionalities at all times in a single click, without intervention from third parties or experts.

Should I buy or use equipment, terminals and software licenses?

If your company’s computing resources policy is based on having the equipment ownership, to buy and amortize them, you should invest in a physical unit. If your company’s focus is to minimize non-core investments, and adjust spending to the operational needs of each moment using pay per use models, your best option is a virtual PBX.

My telephone bill has skyrocketed… how can I save more costs?

One of the proven advantages of IP telephony is that it lowers costs substantially, sometimes up to 80%. In addition, calls between offices are free.

My PBX is practically amortized but it still works… should I invest in a new one?

Thanks to the SIP Trunk service, you can connect an IP connected PBX to the Internet. This way, you can extend your PBX’s useful life and, in turn, benefit from the advantages of IP telephony, adding VOIP lines and features, and paying only for what you use. In the US, 50% of companies are already using this technology, which is fully flexible and adaptable to the needs of each company.  

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