Customer service

5 Keys To Implement Omnichannel Customer Service In Your Company

Enreach 26/07/2018
Clock icon 4 min

Users want easy and effortless omnichannel customer service, but companies do not. In this era of business disruption, personalized omnichannel without errors is the key to highlighting.

Both Gartner and IQPC estimate that only 5% of today’s companies are offering real omnichannel customer service. Dimension Data indicates that 8.4% of companies have all channels connected, and almost 60% of companies are totally isolated and believe that the customer experience (CX) is too difficult. However, technology is here to do what almost all businesses and consumers want, but, until now, it has been difficult to achieve.

Below, we present five keys to implement omnichannel customer service in your company:
1.- Visualize The Customer Journey And Act In The Moment

Creating customer journeys based on omnichannel, personal and effortless requires that companies are able to visualize the journey first. This requires that an agent can see each step in a customer’s journey in real time and then act in the moment. The agent needs to see the current journey of a particular client, including the channels used and the user’s actions in each channel. Not only that, the agent needs to see this in a single, unified desktop, so he can see the data in context and act immediately.

According to Gartner, 67% of companies track customer journeys in some way, but most do so manually, and many do so after users have completed their ‘experience’, when it is already too late to act ‘live’.

2.- Follow The 80/20 Standard On Your Website

This key consists in making the two main channels work as a single conversation. It is the best way to start walking the omnichannel path. Currently, more than 90% of interactions with customer service start at websites, so it is critical that your website works with your next higher channel.

The 80/20 rule is to make your web chat work with your next higher channel (eg, voice), so that the two main channels work together as a continuous conversation. Once the two main channels work as a unit, you can add other channels later: email, messaging, mobile applications, etc.

3.- Increase Customization And Reduce Customer Effort

From the perspective of ROI, there is a lot to consider when it comes to CX without effort. With a low effort, 94% of customers will be faithful to your company, but if it requires a lot of effort, only 4% will be. Similarly, with little effort, 88% of customers will buy more, but with a high effort, only 4% will. In today’s world driven by social media, word of mouth feedback can be virally transmitted to tens of thousands of people.

What goes into the personalized service? In this era of digital disruption, customers talk about how companies are becoming less personal. The truth is that companies can be easier to contact and more personal with new digital approaches. These same personal experiences of the customers of yesteryear can be created with the current experiences of digital omnichannel customers. By uniting omnichannel technology with your customer-oriented business and customer service objectives, the service will be more personal, faster, more efficient and even more predictive, with less effort.

4.- Innovate With New Emerging Channels: Messaging And Bots

More than three quarters of companies have chat on the web. However, there is a new emerging channel that industry analysts predict will quickly overtake web chat and eventually become the largest and most efficient channel: asynchronous messaging, which is the communication that occurs through Internet applications, messaging or text messages, the type of communication that is on the client’s agenda and occurs sequentially.

On the other hand, messaging enabled for bots. The adoption of bots has quadrupled in the last year, with more than half of all companies implementing or considering implementing a bot. Customers want smarter bots that offer differentiated help. Bots and human agents can work together in a single conversation, providing artificial intelligence with a human touch.

5.- Unification Of Silos: The Platform In The Cloud Is A Key Activity

If you want to unify and split silos in your channels to create customer experiences based on omnichannel, personal and uncomplicated, you must build or buy an omnichannel ‘orchestra’ platform. According to a report by Bright Pattern, the cloud is undoubtedly the best place to build this omnichannel customer service platform.

The main benefits of the omnichannel approach in the cloud are the elimination of silos of information, the increase of efficiency of the agents in the interactions with clients and the greater integration between the departments of the organization.

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