Customer service

8 Benefits of Taking Your Contact Center to the Cloud

Enreach 27/02/2018
Clock icon 3 min

‘The State of Customer Experience 2017’ report confirms that contact centers in the cloud are replacing local call centers. In this way, cloud-based contact centers are becoming more common due to the benefits of this solution available as a service. In this post we will explain what are the main benefits of taking your contact center to the cloud.

Currently, companies continue to value cloud-based platforms very highly, since they offer features that improve interaction with users, promoting customer satisfaction and identifying the areas within the organization that would benefit most from the implementation of this model.

Guaranteeing customer satisfaction is the main objective of call center companies and their employees. Therefore, the implementation of professional telephone assistance software in the cloud is the ideal solution for organizations that seek versatility and efficiency in their communications with the client.

8 Benefits of Taking Your Contact Center to the Cloud

1.- Rapidity of implementation: contact centers based on the cloud do not require the installation of new equipment or new hardware. On the contrary, the implementation of such systems is fast and there are no problems in the configuration procedures in the commercial environment of the companies.

2.- Seamless business model: the use of cloud-based contact centers allows users to access systems without problems with the help of an Internet connection and offer high-level experiences to customers anywhere and in any place any moment.

3.- Flexibility and scalability: according to the requirements of the different companies, the contact centers in the cloud can be adapted to their specific needs to carry out their commercial operations successfully.

4.- 360 customer service: call centers in the cloud are available at any time and agents can answer customer inquiries from any device with Internet access, 24/7.

5.- Performance monitoring: with contact centers based on the cloud, companies can focus on the efficient performance of the agent, which will generate high productivity and high levels of service quality.

6.- ‘Friendly’ systems for the user: cloud-based solutions are characterized by an easy-to-use and user-centered design. This allows call center agents to benefit from enterprise level functionality without the hassles of arduous training in outdated systems and everyday usability struggles.

7.- Integration with corporate software: call centers generally depend on multiple software systems that include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), call scripting generators and assistance tickets. Contact centers in the cloud offer integrations with a single click with corporate business tools. This results in a rich agent experience that reduces data redundancy and maximizes efficiency and productivity. With a holistic integration system, decision makers can access multiple systems from a single location, increasing the efficiency of their data-driven decisions.

8.- Greater productivity: the contact centers based on the cloud offer a better process of call monitoring. Agents can work with a single integrated control panel using cloud-based technology, making effective decisions that reduce agent turnover.

Current businesses demand agile technology and responsive decision-making. This translates into a better customer service that is a great competitive advantage. Contact centers in the cloud have become the face of the company for customers. As a result, customers will experience less uptime, which will reduce service issues and improve the return on investment.

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