
Bringing our all-in-one solutions to ExpoContact

Enreach 21/05/2024
Clock icon 4 min

Tomorrow we have a date with the contact centre industry in Madrid. The Konecta team will be kicking off the XIX edition of ExpoContact, a must-attend event for anyone who wants to keep abreast of industry developments.


📍 Stand C

Meet the team! Jorge García, Carme Poy, Luís González and Alejandro Durán will be happy to chat with you.

🥪 Snacks

At 13:45, join us for refreshments and snacks – our treat!

🎙️ Panel Discussion

At 17:00, Jorge García will take part in the panel discussion “Building a Secure Future: Protecting our customers’ privacy”. Don’t miss it!


As a unique and pioneering provider of UCaaS, CCaaS connectivity and Artificial Intelligence, we are excited to present our all-in-one business communications at this year’s ExpoContact under the theme Intelligence Squared. By integrating all our solutions, we aim to maximise the customer experience (CX).

Starting with the merger of UCaaS and CCaaS. After years of separation and numerous articles telling us to choose one service or the other, peace has finally been made. These solutions, once aimed at different markets, are now coming together to offer an all-in-one experience.

For those new to cloud communications, both UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) and CCaaS (Contact Centre as a Service) are digital solutions that were born thanks to Internet data transfer and reached their peak during the COVID-19 pandemic, when remote management became essential.

UCaaS refers to tools for internal communication and collaboration, including voice, video and text formats. CCaaS, on the other hand, are programmes that allow us to communicate with customers via the same channels.

Understanding their different approaches reveals the revolutionary potential of unifying both solutions to enable a ‘perpetual conversation’ between them. In fact, the latest Research and Markets report shows that 95% of enterprises worldwide agree that integrating UCaaS and CCaaS is critical to their business.

“95% of enterprises worldwide agree that integrating UCaaS and CCaaS is critical to their business”.

Research and Markets

It’s hard to find a brand that doesn’t offer some form of customer service. No matter how small, there is always someone dedicated to providing post-sales support. So it’s no exaggeration to say that businesses around the world can benefit from all-in-one solutions.

Imagine being able to manage internal and external communications simultaneously within a single programme, where each employee can access specific functionality based on their department and role, all from a unified panel for collaboration and internal communication.

The benefits of all-in-one solutions simplify internal processes, which invariably means better customer service.


Integrating UCaaS and CCaaS helps organisations deliver a better customer experience. During a customer conversation, it’s possible to contact an expert on our team for assistance, reducing transfers between departments, resolving issues on the first call, and preventing customers from having to repeat their problem multiple times.


From an operational perspective, the main benefit of this integration is to reduce the number of tools an organisation needs to install and maintain. By unifying UCaaS and CCaaS into a single integrated platform, redundancies are eliminated and the management of communications tools is simplified.

Another positive aspect is the reduction of the “toggle tax” – the time lost switching between applications. A Harvard Business Review study found that we switch applications 1,200 times a day. If it takes an average of five seconds each time, we could recover 1 hour and 40 minutes of productivity.


From an administrative and financial perspective, the unification of UCaaS and CCaaS offers obvious cost optimisation. By consolidating multiple communications services onto a single platform, organisations can reduce the costs associated with purchasing, implementing and maintaining separate solutions.

This translates into simplified billing and centralised technical support from a single provider, which simplifies the process of claiming and negotiating pricing.


Overall, this unification provides a 360-degree view of the entire organisation. Eliminating information silosand enabling fluid, collaborative communication across all departments fosters an internal culture of collaboration that helps resolve incidents and requests faster and more effectively.

In addition, access to a unified communications platform allows teams to work more cohesively to resolve internal and external issues, maximising efficiency and productivity across the organisation.

For companies that see the convergence of UCaaS and CCaaS as a significant opportunity for their business, visit us tomorrow at ExpoContact on stand C.

See you there!

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