Sales & Marketing

10 features to look for in great telemarketing software

Enreach 23/05/2024
Clock icon 4 min
Level: Beginner

It’s clear that autodialers make us more productive by eliminating manual dialling, but that’s true of all of them. So what are the features that really make the difference between a great telemarketing software and a conventional one? We’ll list them below.


In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it’s necessary to have rules in place for the removal of personal data that serves no purpose, such as that of prospects who have registered as ‘not interested’. Being able to automate this process ensures that we comply with the law.


80% of the time we collect the same lead data, but sometimes we run campaigns where we need to extract very specific information. It’s very important to be able to create templates from scratch to avoid limitations. For example, if we are contacting prospects but also conducting phone surveys, we need two very different templates.


As mentioned above, each campaign is unique; it’s not the same to contact more than 1,000 prospects as it is to contact 30, nor is it the same to have a team of 4 agents as it is to have one of 40. So we need a programme that adapts to the quality and quantity of leads and the volume of agents. As well as being able to choose from the most popular dialers on the market, it’s also essential to be able to configure small details such as the number of seconds the contact is displayed or the number of callback attempts.


When leads don’t respond the first time, we need to keep trying. To increase our conversion rate, we need software that will automatically call the prospect back within a set period of time. And not just automatically; if the agent was able to speak to the person but doesn’t have time to deal with them at the moment, it’s important to be able to schedule a call back for a specific date and time.


In order to prevent leads from going cold or being left untouched, the best autodialers on the market organise the list of leads to be called by prioritising those that didn’t answer the first call, those with the highest conversion potential and those that were generated earlier. If we want to implement a specific contact procedure, this functionality makes it very easy for us.


It’s no secret that the more integrations a programme has, the less time we waste on administrative tasks. One of the most useful integrations for agents is undoubtedly calendar synchronisation. While agents are making appointments with prospects, if the autodialer is synchronised with their email (iCloud, Outlook or Gmail), they can keep their schedules up to date and even send automatic emails to confirm the call with the prospect.


Supervisors need to be able to view campaign performance in real time, so this functionality is essential. Being able to view key KPIs in total value format, visualise percentage contact rate charts, know which agents are inactive or which agent has initiated the most call attempts are some of the key metrics we need to know in order to evaluate the success of a campaign and take action to improve results.


Another essential feature for supervisors is to have a section dedicated to monitoring agents’ usage time: knowing how much time they spend on breaks, preparing for calls, in conversation, etc. This information can be very useful for evaluating team members and also for adjusting the autodialer settings.


We often use third party reporting tools. We download the data and analyse it using tools like Power Bi or similar. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s much more productive to have a tool that allows you to create powerful reports where you can sort by campaign, segment and agent, add as many metrics as you need and even create your own KPIs.


Another feature that we often use other programmes for is agent schedule management. To maximise productivity and reduce costs, we believe it’s necessary to have an autodialer that allows you to know how many hours each agent works per day, schedule their holidays, plan team meetings or even calculate the hourly rate when running paid campaigns.


Let’s face it, each company has its own needs, so to find the best autodialer for you, we recommend that you make a list of the results you want to achieve.

At the end of the day, our advice is that, in addition to all the functionalities that will help you achieve your objectives, you should prioritise working with an intuitive interface that facilitates tasks and, above all, having a provider that is committed to helping you adjust it to your needs.

If you’d like to see how an autodialer works or simply need a second opinion, don’t hesitate to contact our experts.

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