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How Does Digital Transformation Affect The Health Sector?

Enreach 17/03/2022
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Healthcare organizations that adapt to digital trends will have a competitive advantage, and digital services will play a crucial role in their growth. There is also a massive increase in employment in the healthcare industry, and many of these new roles are likely to be related to technology.

However, the digital transformation in health care is not advancing at the same pace as in other sectors. The main obstacle is not technological. It’s a combination of the unique requirements of healthcare, with high responsiveness and service impact on clients’ lives, and the culture in healthcare organizations, which often makes technological change difficult.

By overcoming these obstacles, healthcare companies would reap the following benefits from digital transformation:
  • New ways of providing health care services, such as telemedicine.
  • Improving the efficiency of existing operations in health centers.
  • Improved collaboration between health professionals.
  • Improved patient monitoring and communication using wearable devices and mobile applications.
  • Enhanced use of data to personalize health care services, improve treatment, and generate predictions for preventive medicine.
How Digital Transformation Technology Will Change The Healthcare Industry

Some important trends that will drive digital transformation in healthcare organizations are:

1) Health Care Delivery Infrastructure

The health service delivery model is no longer limited to physical clinics and hospitals. Technology is making it possible for doctors to cooperate remotely; for example, remote doctors can guide others during surgery. In addition, doctors can examine and treat patients online; many hospitals provide video-based treatment services and remote counseling for patients.

2) Data Analysis

Healthcare organizations collect massive amounts of data and are leveraging Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT) technology to make better use of it. The benefits of better data collection and analysis are endless, including better diagnosis and treatment, disease prevention, and personalization of health services for individual patients.

How Are Healthcare Organizations Leveraging Technology To Improve Data Analysis?
  • Cloud: Cloud systems enable data sharing, easier search and retrieval, and interoperability between medical systems, devices, and IoT applications.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Can be used to analyze medical images and data for diagnosis, replacing human specialists in many areas, and can process large data sets to provide trends and predictions.


  • Big Data Analytics: Used to monitor public health records, social media, and other data sources to identify information relevant to healthcare companies, such as disease outbreak reports, complaints, and review of healthcare services.


  • APIs and Interoperability: Secure and effective data exchange is essential to digitize healthcare. Application programming interfaces (APIs) must ensure the correct exchange of data between electronic health record (EHR) systems, medical devices and other integrated services. Ultimately, this can lead to more accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment.

APIs should be designed with security in mind. The more organizations invest in secure and compatible integrations between systems, the better positioned they will be to provide advanced digital services.

3) Integrated Wearable Technology

Wearable devices have been widely adopted by consumers and the technology has advanced far beyond fitness tracking. Wearable devices are now securely integrated with the EHR, enabling remote monitoring of patient metrics and prevention of health risks. The devices will provide richer and more valuable metrics and predictive capabilities, allowing doctors to identify and treat health problems at an early stage.

Challenges Of Digital Transformation In Health Care

Digital transformation in healthcare has enormous potential, but it also faces significant challenges. These make it difficult for the health industry to digitize its services.

1) Data Management

Data processing and analysis is a great challenge in health care. Part of the problem is the vast amount of data collected by hospitals, clinics, and health professionals. Without an AI system capable of analyzing this data, it is difficult for organizations to provide better-personalized care. There must be a way to record and update health records from in-person and virtual visits, from multiple devices.

2) Cloud Security

Healthcare organizations are increasingly storing data in the cloud to promote collaboration and data sharing. Most hospitals keep thousands of medical devices that do not have adequate security measures. While organizations are committed to digital transformation, risk management practices are not always keeping up.

3) Data Privacy

As the healthcare sector moves towards collaborative healthcare, there is a much higher risk of exposing patient data. Collaborative medicine is a delivery model that makes patient data available in complex medical settings, making it accessible to many users across multiple devices and locations.

Medical professionals and biomedical researchers are also accessing data to improve medical decision-making and patient care, including the use of AI for health monitoring and diagnosis. Without proper privacy controls, the risk of personal data loss and compromised patient care will increase significantly.

In conclusion, healthcare companies must facilitate more efficient and customer-centric transactions. Thus, both employees and the patients they serve would benefit from streamlined, frictionless and personalized workflows.

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