Customer service

How To Transform The Users’ Experiences With Cognitive Call Centers

Enreach 20/03/2019
Clock icon 3 min

The data and perspectives of users can help direct companies to new levels of innovation, commitment and profits. But what matters is how user data is used. How do organizations collect and use user opinions? Do they use them to create more attractive interactions with users? Do they help create a cognitive conversation with users?

Why Cognitive Conversations Are Important

A cognitive voice portal is an innovation that combines the use of voice with AI and self-service with the use of the telephone. A cognitive conversation takes advantage of data from external, internal, structured and unstructured sources of voice and multichannel to offer a response to the user that is more conversational, relevant and personal. Companies can meet the changing preferences and behaviors of users by learning from each interaction. All parts of the organization can take advantage of data collected from different areas of the company to improve user loyalty.

The companies recognize that, although interactions with users often start in a single channel, valuable information and opinions are also obtained from users in other channels of the organization. The unification of user information through channels provides companies with a more complete context to solve user problems more completely and more quickly.

With the speed at which users’ expectations are changing, they may prefer to manage their relationship with companies without interacting with a live agent. Users are using more channels to interact with businesses.

Users are likely to commit to a brand or product after a successful experience, so the time has come for the entire company to focus on adopting capabilities to enable a more cognitive experience for users and be more competitive.

How To Take Advantage Of User Data?

Each department of the organization, from marketing to sales and customer service, has data on user behavior. The collective data can be used to satisfy and even exceed the demands of users. The brand of an organization, the website, notifications and certain self-service channels, whether voice or chat, demonstrate commitment to the user.

If organizations can take advantage of cognitive abilities, interactions between channels will increase. This combination can transform the traditional commitment of the self-service brand into a more relevant and relational experience for users. They can use traditional interactive voice response (IVR) features with cognitive capabilities, which can be integrated with an existing call center environment, as well as other third-party applications, such as phone-computer integration (CTI). The combination of these capabilities is a unique approach that transforms the user experience into a more conversational and cognitive interaction. As a result, resolutions can be achieved more quickly than the interactions managed by traditional IVR systems.

Transforming The User Experience

The user experience is a matter of the entire organization, not just the call center. This experience is at a crossroads of change and transformation, adding a new level of commitment throughout the company. Leveraging the forces that pressure organizations to evaluate their strategy, technology and general understanding of user behavior will set the pace for the cognitive revolution.

Four Key Factors Make Transforming The User Experience A Key Issue:
  • Greater value of the user experience as a market differentiator.
  • Speed of change of user demands.
  • Cognitive abilities make the collection, learning and understanding of data almost in real time a reality.
  • Market leaders discover how to combine knowledge with technology to magnify the user experience.
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