Business Phone Systems

The Future Of Hybrid Work: Towards The Potential Of Remote Work

Product User 26/09/2023
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These include a better work-life balance and improved performance at work. Adapting to the changing demands and expectations of employees is essential for businesses in 2023, and it’s clear that remote and hybrid working is here to stay.

In fact, Okta and Statista conducted a study to determine whether or not employees would prefer flexible working arrangements. This movement towards more adaptable working conditions is indicative of a broader trend in the workforce. Employees value the freedom to work when and where it suits them, as it helps them achieve a better work-life balance without sacrificing productivity.

However, there is a huge gap between what employees want and what they actually have in terms of their working conditions. Only 43% of employees are able to work remotely. The 28-point “preference gap” shows how difficult it is for employees and companies to agree on what constitutes remote and hybrid work, according to an Ivanti survey. The benefits of a happy, hard-working workforce are at risk for companies that do not embrace and facilitate flexibility.

Benefits of hybrid working

Hybrid work arrangements offer a number of benefits for both companies and employees. It helps employees save time and money on commuting, improves their health and well-being, and gives them more freedom to manage their personal and professional lives. In fact, Ivanti found that 71% of business leaders believe that allowing employees to work remotely has a positive impact on morale.

Disadvantages of hybrid work

However, there are a number of difficulties associated with the shift to hybrid working. According to Ivanti’s analysis, this alarming trend is particularly problematic among younger workers and knowledge workers. More than a quarter of office workers under the age of 40 are considering leaving their jobs in the next six months, and a third of those who have ‘quietly quit’ have done so. Workload-related burnout and subsequent deterioration in mental health are often cited as the main reasons for this outlook.

How can organisations support hybrid work?

To overcome these difficulties and realise the full potential of hybrid work, organisations need to invest in critical areas to support their employees and create a more inclusive and productive working environment.

For hybrid work to be effective, companies must invest in tools that facilitate communication and coordination between employees, such as Enreach Meetings. It is important to look beyond traditional communication methods and think about process-oriented solutions that allow workers to perform their tasks effectively from anywhere. Distributed teams can benefit greatly from a streamlined service management solution that is deployed across the enterprise.

Potential risks of hybrid working

New security risks have emerged as a result of the increase in remote and hybrid working. Ivanti’s report highlights the importance of having a risk plan in place to mitigate the negative effects of remote working. Organisations should implement enterprise-wide security measures to protect sensitive information and ensure regulatory compliance. By challenging the security status quo and taking a more proactive stance, organisations can protect their assets while giving their employees the freedom to work securely from anywhere in the world.

It is vital that organisations prioritise the health and happiness of their employees to reduce IT burnout as they face the challenges of hybrid working. By streamlining processes and reducing the number of tools required, IT departments can run more smoothly and for longer. To prevent burnout and foster a positive working environment, business leaders must understand the importance of reducing complexity and providing the necessary support to IT staff.

Organisations can close the trust gap between employees and management by actively seeking their opinions and implementing new technologies to improve employee performance. Remote and hybrid workplaces can benefit from the use of dynamic collaboration technologies, automated workflows and AI-powered bots to increase productivity and efficiency. By harnessing these resources and encouraging employee feedback, organisations can foster a more welcoming, enthusiastic and fruitful workplace for everyone.

The future of hybrid work

As we move towards the consolidation of hybrid work, it will be crucial for organisations to embrace these changes in order to create a strong and stable workforce. The full potential of remote and hybrid working models can be realised if organisations prioritise employee wellbeing, invest in technology and develop a culture of collaboration and inclusion.

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