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What Is Call Recording And Why Is It So Important?

Product User 11/04/2023
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What Is Call Recording And Why Is It So Important?

Call recording is a common aspect of running a successful business. For decades, organizations have implemented recording functionality into their call center technology to drive better results for both customers and their brand.

But what exactly is business call recording and why is it so valuable? Can all organizations benefit from a telephone recording system? How cautious should companies be with GDPR compliance? What are the benefits of a voice recording system?

What Is Call Recording?

Call recording is the process of collecting audio (and sometimes screen activity) related to phone calls. A business that records phone calls can collect conversations and use the insights to drive better customer experiences (CX) and make smart business decisions.

Call recording solutions are combined with cloud contact centers, AI-based analytics, and even agent training systems. They can be a vital part of quality management (QM), helping supervisors understand whether agents are correctly tracking call flows and cross-selling products.

A company that records phone calls can assess the impact of new promotions and strategies, as well as identify experience trends and show you which agents need additional support. Under the call recording law, companies in certain industries are required to collect specific information for compliance purposes. Knowing how to effectively record a call ensures that organizations can comply with laws related to customer consent and notification. The recorded data is also effective when disputes arise over things like customer service standards.

Call Recording Has Become Digital

The best call recording systems today are completely digitalised. They are integrated with the existing call center and the business telephony platform, taking advantage of the cloud for storage. A phone recording system for small business users may even include additional features. Some solutions are equipped with technology to capture screen and video information, as well as audio. Others have advanced technology built into the software to support GDPR compliance.

Cloud call recording systems also have the option of accessing native integrations with existing and future technology. They can combine call recording with agent training and CRM systems, or enable AI-powered opportunities.

6 Business Benefits of Call Recording

1) Identify Areas For Improvement

Call recording makes it possible to determine potential problem areas in processes and which conversations may negatively affect the business. For example, communication problems that cause a negative opinion of the customer can be identified. It is also possible to see where the obstacles might be that prevent you from offering quick solutions to users. Call recording is the initial investigation process before improving customer service.

2) Keep Valuable Records

The main call recording solutions integrate with the CRM and other information systems. This is useful for companies that collect customer information to deliver more personalized and relevant experiences, allowing call information to be automatically stored in the appropriate customer file.

3) Overcome Potential Disputes

Even the best companies can end up handling complaints. If a customer says something inappropriate was done or offered, the recording can be played. This is a useful way to protect organizations against problems that could lead to a legal dispute.

4) Guarantee The Quality

Quality monitoring is one of the most common reasons for using call recording solutions. Recorded calls allow you to determine overall customer satisfaction levels. AI tools can even be used to determine sentiment both historically and in real time. Call recording systems can send alerts when call quality starts to suffer and provide the information you need to make smart decisions going forward.

5) Continuously Improve

Recording calls is an effective way to determine exactly which parts of your customer service strategy are having the best impact on customers. Basically, you can check the status of the CX strategy and even determine which employees need more support and training to catch up with the best workers. When it’s time to train them, call recordings with redacted personal details offer an excellent learning opportunity.

6) Improved Decision Making

With call recording, you get an accurate view of the customer journey, preferences and the steps they take to make a purchase. With AI tools that sort trends across thousands or millions of calls, it’s easy to tap into insights. In this way, it is possible to quickly determine which strategies will help satisfy customers and improve the reputation of the brand.

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