Customer service

8 Benefits Of The BYOD Policy for Organizations With Call Centers

Enreach 09/12/2019
Clock icon 3 min

User expectations are coming to the workplace in fascinating ways and the ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) movement is a frequent example. 59% of organizations already allow employees to use their personal devices for work, and another 13% plan to implement a medium-term BYOD policy.

Digitally native Millennials and Generation Z have nontraditional preferences when it comes to communicating, learning, collaborating and doing their job. By equipping current and future generations with the right tools they need to gain access to information, staff can offer a better customer experience, which improves brand profitability and employee experience.

8 Benefits Of The BYOD Policy for Organizations With Call Centers
1) Alignment With Existing Behaviors

Employees are already using their personal devices in the workplace. A Pew Research Center study found that 77% of workers use their phones at work regardless of company policies. Having a BYOD policy helps companies align with behaviors to engage, educate and communicate with staff while complying with labor laws and regulations.

2) Increase Of Confidence

Without knowing or understanding the company’s policy, employees face ambiguity and the feeling of sneaking around when they use personal devices at work. These behaviors can cause trust problems, creating a negative environment. Having a clear BYOD policy that is accessible to all staff creates a culture of trust, transparency and an understanding between managers and staff about the use of mobile phones in the workplace.

3) Cost Savings

Technology in the workplace is associated with rising expenses, but BYOD helps save money on hardware and support. Allowing employees to use their own devices decreases the cost of buying and replacing technology for staff.

When considering the multitude of investigations linking BYOD policies with greater employee satisfaction, the cost savings associated with talent retention can also be taken into account.

4) Recruitment Of The Best Talents

Companies have to adapt their work cultures to attract and retain the best talent. With the new generations that will soon occupy the majority of the workforce, and 93% of Millennials claiming that technology is key when choosing a future workplace, it is crucial that companies invest in technology to offer an exceptional experience to employees. BYOD helps keep staff technology costs low, while creating an adaptable work environment to change workers’ expectations.

5) Improvement Of Efficiency And Safety

A BYOD policy helps companies create a compatible, regulated and well-managed mobile program, reducing the risk of security breaches.

6) Increase Employee Productivity

The average BYOD user saves 58 minutes a day by using their personal devices at work, which gives them more time to learn, grow and execute an excellent customer experience. Having access to information about products and promotions in real time, as well as digital schedules and training programs, helps employees to be more productive and committed to the company and customer satisfaction.

7) Proportion Of Better Customer Service

Allowing employees to use personal devices in work-related tasks influences their behavior towards business objectives, resulting in greater customer satisfaction and, ultimately, better results and higher sales. BYOD policies allow workers to perform better, which in turn creates better experiences.

8) Increase Employee Engagement

Committed employees are more motivated, committed and more productive with the companies they work for. Having a good BYOD policy in an organization increases employee engagement by building trust and breaking down communication barriers.

Mobile technology will continue to transform the workplace. Advancing and implementing a BYOD policy not only helps recruit and retain the best talent, but also positively impacts operating expenses and employee experience. BYOD is not the future of technology in the workplace, it is the current reality and now it is more important than ever to take it to the front line.

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